Cyber Strategy Institute Partners with RORA Realm

Orginally published on Oct 27, 2022 on Medium.

When Culture meets Strategy -> You unlock a fascinating new world aligned with the human experience to inspire creation in all forms.


In Crypto many concepts are folded on top of each other, creating a prism into a new world. Many use buzzwords, play key-word bingo, or do the opposite and say very little and make you dream of what they are about. Many use the term community to describe the meme token and NFT holder cultures, each with distinct sub-sets. What the most successful of these are doing is building brands around themselves. We all have our favorite brands, from soft-drinks like Coke vs Pepsi or cars Chevy vs Ford or BMW vs Mercedes. Fashion takes this to another level, as they shape the way we all dress. Brands like Disney, Marvel, Simpsons, etc…do this by telling stories that captivate our emotions.

Culture is the ultimate brand, as it leads us towards a future known usually to only a few. It is this strangle hold that web3 has taken off, in breaking down barriers to empower a new generation. When you look at movies, the best example of what many think the metaverse could be in the future is “Ready Player One”, of a multiverse of environments all connected and competing for our attention. Our attention, time and effort are the new gold standard for creating network effects that enable growth. Those that end up mastering the skills needed will garner massive growth. RORA’s storytelling through art is one of its powerful characteristics that has allowed it to standout amongst the crowd.

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Sampling of RORA Realm’s artwork more can be found on their site, checkout the manifesto

We believe that RORA Realm is one such project that has cut its teeth in the meme token space and has dropped hints of cross-chain activity and incorporating NFTs in the near future. This is the type of project that draws the Cyber Strategy Institute right in to help. It has all the under pinning’s of DeFi, with the spirit of a meme community, but we believe that RORA is actually a new category, a culture token. The culture token is destined to shape and capture our attention through its organic development. Culture is how we think and is shaped through our friends and family. This includes other connections such as where we went to school, books, food, clothing, movies or our favorite brands and their relationships and partnerships. RORA Realm has a very bright future, and we look to help foster great partnerships and innovations with them in the years to come.

What does this collaboration mean for Cyber Strategy Institute?

It establishes our relationship with the RORA Realm team as a Trusted Advisor. To enhance their access to knowledge, skills and abilities in the following areas, and more if needed.

  • Security, Strategy development and planning.
  • Risk analysis, decision-making, market analysis.
  • Community and partnership development, relationship building, and business growth.
  • Our focus is on assisting with the RORA Realm NFT ecosystem and Cross-Chain aspects of the infrastructure needed to accomplish the RORA Realm Vision.
  • As well as world building, and other to be revealed aspects at a later time.

We anticipate hearing about many more announcements like this one in the future and am eager to support this team in achieving its goals.

That is why Cyber Strategy Institute partners with RORA Realm and looks forward to bringing you more powerful partnerships, insights and analysis to give you an edge in navigating the Crypto Maze!